19′ Caracal

Meet Caracal, the new 19′ Arey’s Pond design!

Caracal is a distinctive catboat built for comfortable or competitive sailing, rigged to enable single-handed sailing but also with room for a crowd, she seats six to eight adults comfortably. Caracal provides the perfect escape, cruising either by sail or by the electric inboard motor. Accommodations include: two berths, porta-potty, opening porthole, electric or diesel inboard motor with lithium-ion battery and folding prop. Both easy to handle, and stabilized by the benefits of the gaff rig, Caracal crew and guests do not even need to move to windward when tacking on 12 knots of wind.

Major Features

  • Carbon Mast and Spruce Boom

  • Cold Molded Hull Construction

  • Mahogany Rails & Coaming

  • Bronze Fittings Including Bow Eye

  • Fully Battened Mainsail

  • Positive Flotation Built-In

  • Boats custom built by master craftsmen to individual owner specifications

  • Optional Teak Deck, additional $15,000
19' Caracal - Fiberglass Hull
$59,900Base Price
  • LOA X BEAM: 19' x 8'7
  • COCKPIT SIZE: 6' x 8'
  • SAIL AREA: 260 SF
  • DISPLACEMENT: <2400 lbs
  • DRAFT: 19" / 4'6"
19' Caracal - Composite Wood Hull
$97,000Base Price
  • LOA X BEAM: 19' x 8'7
  • COCKPIT SIZE: 6' x 8'
  • SAIL AREA: 260 SF
  • DISPLACEMENT: 2400 lbs
  • DRAFT: 19" / 4'6"